Fee Structure

Fee Structure

  • Plan A
    £ 30

    per Month

    • 3 Days Per Week

    • 30 Minutes Per Day

    • 12-14 Classes Per Month

    • One to One Live Classes

    • 24/7 Customer Support

    Get This Plan
  • Plan B
    £ 35

    per Month

    • 4 Days Per Week

    • 30 Minutes Per Day

    • 16-18 Classes Per Month

    • 16-18 Classes Per Month

    • 24/7 Customer Support

    Get This Plan
  • Plan C
    £ 40

    per Month

    • 5 Days Per Week

    • 30 Minutes Per Day

    • 20-22 Classes Per Month

    • One to One Live Classes

    • 24/7 Customer Support

    Get This Plan

Discounted family package available for siblings kindly submit form or contact us via WhatsApp.

First 5 days trial classes are free.

You can pay your fee easily as your comfort end of the month or begin of the month it is up to you.

Easy Payment method available like PayPal, Bank Transfer, Visa card, Master card with zero charges you don't need to pay bank transfer fee.